Friday, May 8, 2020

Essay on Why College is Not Important

Essay on Why College is Not ImportantAn essay on why college is not important is an easy assignment to complete. As you read through this article, take a moment to reflect on how much of your time is wasted when taking college courses and what your level of frustration with the classes are. There is an answer to that question. You have not achieved all that you wanted to in college and it is time to do something about it.If you took all of the good things that you want to accomplish with your life and put them into two piles, one for those you wish to accomplish but never get around to, and one for those you want to do but never get around to it, what would you choose? Of course the correct answer is for the pile containing the things you wish to accomplish to be larger than the pile containing the things you want to do. This is what it means to be proactive in achieving things. When you have a reason why college is not important, you have no excuse for not doing what you want to do. There is always a reason why college is not important, and it is that you have not taken the necessary action to attain it. It does not matter if it takes time or effort to achieve your goals because this attitude is only going to get you so far. So, if you have this mentality why not change it now and begin today?You cannot live your life without learning about yourself and your desires because you cannot begin to live if you don't know where you are going. If you know where you are going and have determined what you want to do, there is no reason why college is not important to you. It does not matter if you take classes for credit or because you simply love them, when you have a purpose for taking them, you are on the right track.If you have been told over again and again that taking college is not important, then you should stop and ask yourself why. This can be a difficult thing to do because you may be fearful that you are being disrespected or told that you cannot achieve any thing when you know that this is not true. When you have this thought put into perspective, you will have a better understanding of why college is not important.The great example of this concept is found in the poem that was written by John Keats entitled 'Ode To A Nightingale'. In this poem, Keats stated that if he had only known, 'what the Nightingale taught me' he would have written 'things are not what they seem'. To this day, Keats is still correct and college is not important.Yes, if you tell you're your dreams are important, they may be but do you really believe it? College is not important is the correct answer. What do you want to do with your life? If you are determined and if you know what you want, then you can accomplish whatever it is that you want to do.Students should take control of their student life and live their lives to the fullest. Achieving your goals is not hard if you just know what it is that you want to do and if you have already done it, then you have al ready accomplished it. That is the true definition of life. Doing what you want to do and experiencing the feeling of success when you complete your goals.

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