Saturday, December 28, 2019

Career Development Reflection - 941 Words

According to our textbook Sears (1982), describes career development as a â€Å"lifelong process involving psychological, sociological, educational, economic, and physical factors, as well as chance factors that interact to influence the career of an individual† (p.8). Sears definition is important because it helps us to recognize that career development doesn’t happen as a result of one meeting with a counselor, nor is it limited to only official work that we are paid for. Our career is impacted by many different aspects of our lives. We can’t isolate what we do in an office from what we do outside the office. The beauty of any team of workers is the synergy that is created between the many unique giftings and experiences of team members.†¦show more content†¦These experiences don’t clearly lead to working as a high school principal unless you look at career development as including the totality of life experiences. Career development based on a Sears definition is unique because it empowers individuals to explore a wider range of opportunities. It enables someone like me to consider being a college counselor and someone like Ms. Angeles to consider being a high school principal. From our school perspective this is beneficial because we need to find capable people that don’t always fit a prototypical teaching career pattern. I believe a key ethical consideration for someone working in career counseling is avoiding the trap of being too directive in counseling. As stated in principle 3 we must respect our client’s right to â€Å"choose their own directions† (textbook, p. 30). I pride myself in being a very analytical thinker and always being able to come up with the right solution to a problem. It is very easy for me to analyze a student’s skills, interests and abilities and then come up with what I think the right career choice is. If I carry this tendency to the extreme, I my inadvertently lead students to follow a path that seems logical, but isn’t truly where they belong. Despite my intent of providing the student with the perfect career, I actually lead themShow MoreRelatedMy Reflection Of Psychology And Career Development1047 Words   |  5 Pages After having taken this psychology career development course (PSY 3024), I’ve learned a lot about not only diffe rent psychology options, but also a lot about myself. Having come into this course, I really didn’t know what I wanted to do. I really just declared psychology as my major in the summer before this semester. So, definitely my career plans have changed after taking this course. Psychology has many different subfields, ones I learned I had no idea about prior to taking this course. For exampleRead MoreProfessional Development . 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The Nigerian Managers Essay - 1064 Words

Another study from Oke (2013) revealed some similar verdicts on the Nigerian managers. This study was for the construction professionals, and it indicated that most of the Nigerian managers use the autocratic leadership style. At the same time, there is a strong sense of result oriented approach among these managers as they concern primarily with the task at hand; and do not tend to cater for the long-term development of those under their command (Oke, 2013). The author further commented that democratic and participative leaderships had not been observed amongst the Nigerian managers. Regarding Chinese managers also tend to be autocratic when they fulfill their leadership responsibilities (Sharkey and Murray, 2015). Chinese people are known for their respect for the authority, and it is often in the Chinese culture that a follower should not directly express their thoughts but to follow instructions (Ma and Tsui, 2015). Another trait of the Chinese leaders is the tendency to think carefully before making a decision as they would like to make sure such would lead to long-term benefits whilst the decision is to be deemed appropriate by others (Ma and Tsui, 2015). In order to better understand the underlying factors contributing to cultural specific leadership styles and to therefore discuss the cross-cultural management/leadership issues this essay will now refer to Hofstede’s cultural dimension model. Cultural Traits and its Impacts on Leadership Hofstede (1984)’s modelShow MoreRelatedLarson in Nigeria1272 Words   |  6 Pages1994, with local partner who held 25% of the joint venture equity. Basically, the summary is that the vice-president of international operations must decide whether to continue to operate or abandon the company s Nigerian joint venture. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Amadeus free essay sample

Amadeus Computer Reservations System http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Amadeus_CRS http://www. amadeus. com/amadeus/amadeus. html http://www. amadeus. net/plnext/meb/HomePageDispatcher. action? SITE=BCEUBCEULANGUAGE=GB Amadeus is a computer reservations systems and global distribution system (because they sell tickets for multiple airlines) is owned by Amadeus IT Group. This IT Group has headquarters in Madrid, Spain and their central database located at Erding, Germany. And their development center is located at Sophia Antipolis in France. will writing service horsham In 1987, Amadeus was formed through an alliance between Air France(France), Lufthansa(Germany), Iberia Airlines(Spain) and Scandinavian Airlines System(Denmark, Norway Sweden). And this system is the worldwide leader in number of bookings. This system is not only for airlines, they provide reservation system to book train travel, cruises, car rental, ferry reservations and hotel rooms. They solve four issues in one solution: First, to replace legacy technology and move towards a new generation platform. We will write a custom essay sample on Amadeus or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Second, to implement superior functionality either immediately or incrementally while you add elements of the modular solution. Third, to integrate more easily and efficiently with partners who are already using the global platform. And last, to keep up-to-date with industry evolution through community platform development. The objectives of Amadeus CRS is to replace to old system that implement during the time it is created to avoid more inconvenience because of the disadvantages of manual system and to improve the existing computerized systems. Just like Amadeus CRS the San Miguel Corporation Management Training Center or SMC-MTC based in the Philippines want to improve their system to avoid inconvenience due to the disadvantages of their manual system and to attract new clients or customers to ivest in their company because of their own computer reservations system. Like Amadeus CRS, SMC-MTC able to reserve some important activities and also able to schedule it on Amadeus free essay sample Amadeus Is a play which portrays the rivalry between Antonio Saltier. A famous composer, and Amadeus (Mozart). Saltier being jealous for Mozart talent declares war to God promising to destroy Mozart, his preferred creature, as he feels betrayed by God. Even though saline achieved what he wished most, fame; he felt that this was also his punishment, When had been rubbed In fame to vomiting, It would be taken away from him and Mozart music would sound louder and louder through the world, so as to win his battle with God, he tried to convince the world that he poisoned Mozart, to be remembered for infamy at least.Retelling Act 1 Antonio Saltier a famous composer, being an old man, is sat in a wheelchair with his back to the audience. Feeling guilty cries out: Mozart! Pardon your assassin. .. Have mercy. The Venezuela explain that when Mozart died thirty-two years ago, there was some talk about him being poisoned by Saltier. We will write a custom essay sample on Amadeus or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They wonder why Saltier would do such a thing and why he would confess it now. Saltier asks the audience to be his confessors. He admits his lifelong desire for fame, yet only In one especial way. Musical Absolute music Music Is Gods art.He longed to Join all the composers who ad celebrated his glory through the long Italian past. As a result, he implored God, let me be a composer.. . In return, I will live with virtue And I will honor you with much music all the days of my life. God answered to him Go forth, Antonio. Serve Me and mankind, and you will be blessed, Saltier thanked him and promised, l am your servant for life. The very next day, a family friend suddenly appeared and took him to Vienna, where he studied music and soon became the court composer.Saltier decided, Clearly my bargain had been accepted. The same year the young prodigy Mozart was touring Europe. Sellers tells the audience, l present to you, for one performance only, my last composition, entitled The Death of Mozart, or, Did I Do It? Dedicated to posterity on this, the last night of my life. He then takes off his dressing gown and becomes a young man wearing the elegant clothes of a successful composer In the sass. The scene shifts to 1781 age of Emperor Joseph II and his court in Vienna.Saltier is thirty-one, a prolific composer to the Hapsburg court, and married to a respectable wife, Teresa. The ventricles, Galleries Little Winds, announce that Mozart will be giving a concert for the court. While Saltier sits in a chair eating sweets In the library at the Palace of Echo ¶unborn, Constance Weber, daughter of Mozart landlady, runs Into the room squeaking like a mouse. Mozart follows her mewing like a cat. Mozart teases Constance (Stanza) with sexual innuendoes and bathroom humor and frequently emits an unforgettable giggle, piercing and Infantile.HIS demeanor appeals Saltier. Later, when Mozart begins playing one of his compositions, Saltier responds with such delight that It makes him tremble. He runs out into the street and says gasping for life Addressing the audience he explains, it seemed to me that I had heard a voice of God. And it was I OFF prays to God, asking Him, let Your voice enter me! When his Little Winds report that audiences seem unimpressed by Mozart performances, Saltier begins to think that the serenade he heard was an exception, an accident.Saltier composes an extremely banal march in Mozart honor. When Mozart quickly transforms it into an exceptional piece of music, Saltier admits, was it then, so early, that I began to have thoughts of murder Mozart clashes with the emperors advisors over his choice of subject and music for his commissioned operas. He also has difficulty finding pupils. Against the wishes of his father, he and Constance marry and the two live well beyond their means. When Constance asks Saltier to help her husband get work, the composer sees this as an opportunity to take his revenge.He invites her to his apartment, where he plans to seduce her. After Saltier makes it clear that he will help Mozart if she grants him sexual favors, she at first resists, but soon starts to tease him. Saltier then throws her out, offended by her commonness and angry at his own considered descent into adultery and blackmail. When Saltier studies the manuscripts Constance left behind, he hears the music in his head, acknowledging that they are the same sounds he had heard at the palace, the same crushed harmonies, glancing collisions, agonizing delights.The piece he had heard had been no accident. He admits, l was staring through the cage of those meticulous ink strokes at-?an Absolute Beauty. As a result, he feels betrayed by God: know my fate. Now for the first time I feel my emptiness as Adam felt his nakedness. You gave me the desire to serve you Then saw to it the service was shameful in the ears of the server. You gave me the desire to praise you Hen made me mute. You put into me perception of the incomparable Then ensured that I would know myself forever mediocre. MOZART! Pitiful, gingering, conceited, infantile Mozart. .. Him you have chosen to be your sole conduct. A bitter Saltier warns God, From this time we are enemies, you and l. Ill not accept it from you, do you hear? You are the Enemy. I name Thee now And this I swear: to my last breath I shall block you on earth, as far as I am able. The scene shifts to the present, with the older Saltier promising to reveal to the audience the details of the war he fought with God wrought his preferred Creature, Mozart, in the waging of which, of course, the Creature had to be destroyed.Act 2 Back in the past, audiences are still not appreciating Mozart work. His resulting desperation is compounded when his father dies. In an effort to earn money, he writes The Magic Flute, something for ordinary German people Saltier suggests he include in his composition a focus on the Masons, the fraternal order of which both are members. While he composes The Magic Flute, Constance leaves with the children and his health deteriorates. He is continually taunted by dreams of a figure n gray, who compels him to write a requiem Mass.When a member of the emperors court discovers that Mozart has exposed Masonic rituals in The Magic Flute, he is outraged. As a result, Mozart reputation and career are ruined. Soon after, when Mozart dies, Saltier admits to feeling a mixture of relief and pity. In the present, Saltier explains: Slowly I understood the nature of Gods punishment. This was my sentence: I must endure thirty years of being called distinguished by people incapable of distinguishing And finally When my nose had been rubbed in fame to louder through the world. And mine faded completely, till no one played it at all.Saltier admits he has attempted to convince the world that he poisoned Mozart, so that he will be remembered, if not in fame, then infamy, and so win his battle with DOD. He then cuts his throat. The ventricles tell the audience that Galleries efforts failed; he survived his attempted suicide and the public refused to believe he had murdered Mozart. The play ends with Saltier, in a gesture of benediction, telling the audience, mediocrities everywhere-?now and to come-?I absolve you all. Amen. He then folds his arms high across his own breast in a gesture of self-sanctification. In character Antonio Saltier: was a famous musician composer who envied the prodigy talents of Mozart. From his personality, we can say he is a selfish, manipulative person who desired to be famous although he considered himself to be mediocre. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: was a famous musician composer with an innate talent. He wrote his first symphony at five, a concerto at four and a full opera at fourteen. He is described as a silly, giggly and nervous person who makes enemies easily. Constance Never: was the wife of Mozart, although she had a pretty singing voice, she wasnt as Nell-known as her older sisters were. Amadeus free essay sample An overview of the movie Amadeus. A discussion of the movie Amadeus; which was directed by Milos Forman, and released during 1984. This paper shows how the film is an adaptation of Peter Shaffers Broadway hit, and is considered as an expansion of a Viennese urban legend concerning the death of the great musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The paper discusses the storyline in the film and touches on the music which appeared in the movie. Salieri now had his big plan for the final demise of Mozart, and the beginning of fame for himself. He put on a costume that Leopold had on at a party while visiting Mozart, and then went to visit with Mozart. During this visit, he pretended to be a mysterious benefactor and commissions the backbreaking Requiem, which eventually cost Mozart his health and life. Salieri knew that with Mozarts lifestyle, that Mozart didnt have much longer to live, so with the Requiem in hand, he planned for it to be played at a mass for Mozart, taking all credit for the composition, which would be the beginning of his fame. We will write a custom essay sample on Amadeus or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The plan didnt work and the Requiem wasnt finished until later by Mozarts pupil Sussmayer. Also, there was no great mass for Mozart. All that Salieri gained was guilt, which followed him to his last days. Amadeus free essay sample Amadeus begins in the sass, with an aging Antonio Saltier screaming Mozart! I killed you! and attempting suicide. After being taken to a mental hospital, Saltier is visited by a priest who comes to hear Galleries confession, and it Is this confession that forms the films narrative and the root of Galleries agony. Before telling his confession, Saltier plays for the priest a few of his own musical pieces on the harpsichord.However, although years before these musical pieces had been nothing UT popular and famous, they were now completely unrecognized by the priest. The film puts Its focus on Antonio Callers relationship/obsession with Mozart. Sellers, the narrator of the film, Is a composer who becomes Jealous and Infatuated with Mozart and his works. Mozart does not show much of an appreciation for Galleries work, but Saltier still attends all of Mozart performances and believes that Mozart has been blessed with a gift from God. We will write a custom essay sample on Amadeus or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Galleries obsession with Mozart increases throughout the movie. When Saltier gets a chance to see some of Mozart original scores he seems to have an unhealthy fixation on them. Mozart proved to be a genius, one that the world will probably never see. His ability to compose and play his music is truly amazing. The jealousy of Antonio Saltier of Mozart talent is sickening. His sense of displaced anger with God and his lack of ability. Pushed him on a destructive path of destruction which landed him in the asylum in the first place.His lust for respect and power took away from his ability to do the work. That is one thing that showed how great his talent was. I thought it was weird that Mozart was telling Saltier what to rite and he could not write it because he could not envision it in his head as he rote. I think this is part of what took him so long to write it. I think that they tried to make you feel the sorrow of his death by not only showing the funeral and all the dark clothes, but also by making the setting in very gloomy and rainy weather.In conclusion seeing this movie honestly gave me more of an appreciation of classical USIA, and the work that is put in to compose and create and Opera. I was able to see the struggles of both of these artists. It proved to be a very cut throat. I was actually dreading watching this movie but, I ended up enjoying It. I was a nice Inexpensive way for me to learn and enjoy what the operas represented. It did a good lob of showing many deferent styles of music but did It In a fashion that was still Interesting and made you want to keep watching.Amadeus ay mistrust sited by a priest who comes to hear Galleries confession, and it is this confession film puts its focus on Antonio Galleries relationship/obsession with Mozart. Saltier, the narrator of the film, is a composer who becomes Jealous and infatuated with Mozart amazing. The Jealousy of Antonio Saltier of Mozart talent is sickening. His sense of actually dreading watching this movie but, I ended up enjoying it. I was a nice job of showing many different styles of music but did it in a fashion that was still interesting and made you want to keep watching.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Silver Chain Group

Question: Write an essay on Silver Chain Group. Answer: Silver Chain Group is a not-for-profit organization that is based out of Australia. It provides community health services to people and has been serving them since over 110 years in Western part of Australia and for over 120 years in the Southern part of the continent. Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia are the locations where the services are expanded over (, 2016). There is a wide range of services that are provided to the organization which are categorized as Health care services, Everyday Wellness, Support for Family and Care, Palliative Care, Household Tasks, Continence Management and Advisory Service, Community Connections, Country Services, Personal Alarms and Assessment Services. Requirement of IT for Silver Chain Group Silver Chain Group is composed of over 3000 staff members, 400 volunteers and provides the community services to more than 87000 people on yearly basis. The records of the clients were paper based and located in their respective homes which made it difficult to access the same. Even if the staff members could make efforts to gather this data, then the storage and management of such huge data emerged as a serious concern for the organization. The productivity and time was also compromised while commuting to the clients home. It was also difficult for the nurses and the staff to communicate with the doctors for general guidance and advice. It was the need of the hour to incorporate IT in the business of the Silver Chain Group in order to increase the efficiency and productivity of the staff members and also to improve the customer experience as a whole (LeMay, 2014). Importance of IT for business survival The following factors define the importance of IT in the survival of business of the Silver Chain Group. Preparation Preparation phase helps in the collection of customer data from several data sources in order to have all the information handy and easily accessible by the clients. Planning Planning also becomes easier with the help of IT as it would enable the personnel to decide the time of visit on the basis of preference of the client, provide target service to the target client and many more. Practice Standardization of all the processes, timely checks of the services and the simplicity of installation are the features that come easy with the application of IT. Progress checks Manual processes are difficult to keep a track of all the activities and the progress made by the organization. The checks are easy to execute and track with the aid of IT in the system Phases involved in the application of IT in Silver Chain Group IT in Silver Chain Group was implemented with the help of an enterprise level health care solution along with a mobile application for the same. The devices that were chosen for the deployment of these devices were chosen to be Samsung Galaxy series as Samsung Galaxy S2, S3, S4, Note and Note II smartphones, and Samsung Galaxy Note 8, 10.1 and Tab 10.1 tablet devices to direct care staff and clients (delimiter, 2016). Planning This is the first phase which involves the decision on the strategy and also the objectives of the business. The success of the project is largely dependent upon the well created and researched project plan. Requirement Analysis This is the phase where all the requirements are gathered from all the viable data sources. The data sources for the Silver Chain Group are from the various stakeholders that are involved with the business. These requirements are then analyzed to decide on what all is to be included in the scope and what is to be left and considered as out of the scope. The requirements must be clear to all those involved in the project to make sure that the successful execution of the same is achieved. Design This is the next phase in the development cycle of the application. High level design diagrams are involved in this phase such as data flow diagrams, flow charts, and functional hierarchies to provide a blue print of the design. There is also a Design Specification Document (DSD) included in this phase which explains the design of the project in a clear and concise manner. It is this document which enables the project members to get a practical idea on what is to be done and how exactly it should be done. Implementation The implementation phase gathers its required information from the earlier three phases and the designs are practically implemented. There are a number of teams involved in this phase such as development team, interface team, network team, database team and many more. The efforts and results of all of these teams are integrated to bring out an implemented solution. The cycle is repeated again and again unless all the target requirements are met and fulfilled as per the specifications. Testing Testing is an activity that is defined as a process carried out to validate and verify the results as per the specifications with intent to find out the bug. Requirement and Planning Phase: This is the phase where the strategy around the testing process is decided with the decision on the test approach along with the scope, milestones, deliverables and many more. Analysis Phase: Requirements are gathered and analyzed in this phase with the assignment of the roles and responsibilities to the various team members. Design Phase: Test data is finalized in this phase along with the decision on the test conditions and environments. Implementation Phase: Test cases are designed in this phase and are categorized in the test scenarios. Execution phase: The test cases are executed in this phase and the defects are also reported, if found any. These defects are also logged in the defect logging software. Completion and closure: Test completion is decided on the basis of the exit criteria and the closure report is designed on the basis of the same. Change requests are also dealt in this phase (, 2016). Deployment and Maintenance: The final code is deployed for the end-users and the maintenance is also done for the issues that occur post-production (Ghahrai, 2015). Use of IT in Silver Chain Group Silver Chain Group is an organization that provides community health services to a huge number of people. IT would allow the direct care staff to spend more time with clients by in a more effective manner. It also makes the clients allow easy communication with the nurses and the staff. Virtual support and video conferencing is also made easy with the help of mobile solution and application which is based upon IT. Medical assistance is made easy as it is possible to send out a notification to the nurses when a device shows a reading which goes outside the acceptance range. Social benefits have also increased with the help of IT as the mobile application allows the aged care clients to connect easily with their distant families and children. It allows them to have easy connections and accessibility to them. Risks involved with IT The solution that has been implemented for Silver Chain Group is based on IT and involves many mobile devices as well. There is also a to and fro of information across the network between the client and the staff members. The information that is associated with the organization is classified as below: Sensitive: It is the information that is extremely critical to the organization and requires a very high degree of protection as well. The health care information associated with the client is very sensitive and cannot be hampered with. Confidential: This is the category of information that holds high importance for an organization and needs to be protected carefully. The information around the stakeholders and the partners involved in the company is confidential in nature. Private: It is the personal information that is associated with the company and includes the details of the employees such as demographic information. Public: The information that is okay to bring out to the public view and knowledge comes under this category. The risks that are involved with the same are as listed below: Virus It is a program or a set of instructions that is malicious in nature which means that it has been designed for providing damage or harm to the system. It gets introduced in the system through storage media or network. Spyware These are the programs that capture the activity of the user on the systems and can be used to provide a substantial amount of damage ( 2016) Trojan These are the malicious programs that do not have the characteristic to replicate themselves but have the potential to cause some serious damage once they get triggered. Man-in-the-middle It is an attack that takes place when an intruder or the attackers sits on the network and monitors all the activities that happen on the same. The same information is utilized to perform malicious actions. DoS A service is made unavailable for a certain amount of time as it is flooded with unnecessary traffic from malicious sources ( 2016). Spoofing Private or confidential information of a user is collected by impersonating as somebody else. The user is misled by the false identity with aim to gain this information ( 2016). Phishing A fake website or e-mail message is used to impersonate somebody elses identity in order to gain sensitive information ( 2016). Conclusion Silver Chain Group is a non-profit organization that provides community health services to the people of Australia. The organization is made up of a vast network of employees, volunteers and clients. In order to overcome the drawbacks of difficulties in management of data and handling the clients is overcome with the help of introduction of IT in business. An enterprise solution along with the mobile application is implemented for easier assistance, virtual support, medical assistance and video conferencing with the nurses. A phased approach is also followed to implement the solution. There are also risks that emerge with this introduction that can be dealt with the help of access control, encryption, firewalls and anti-virus. References delimiter, (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 May 2016]. LeMay, R. (2014). Android in the enterprise: Three Aussie examples from Samsung | Delimiter. [online] Delimiter. Available at: [Accessed 26 May 2016]. (2016). Silver Chain Group. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 May 2016]. Ghahrai, A. (2015). SDLC Phases - Software Development Life Cycle. [online] Testing Excellence. Available at: [Accessed 26 May 2016]. NueMD. (2013). The importance of proper IT implementation in healthcare. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 May 2016]. (2016). What is spyware and adware?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 May 2016]. (2016). Scams Spam, Phishing, Spoofing and Pharming | Be in Charge of Your Digital Life | CPI: Lubbock | TTU. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 May 2016]. (2016). Digital Attack Map. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 May 2016]. (2016). What is Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 May 2016]. Silver Chain Group Question: Describe about the Silver Chain Group inAustralia. Answer: Executive Summary Silver Chain Group is not for profit organization that provides health services to people and is based out of Australia. The organization is engaged in providing the services for over 100 years now and comprises of a huge database of employees, volunteers and customers. The report revolves around the use and application of IT for Silver Chain Group. It discusses the requirement of IT for the organization along with the importance of the same for the non-stop survival of the business. The implementation of IT for Silver Chain Group is done in a phased approach such that a step by step process is created for better utilization of the resources. There are also certain risks that emerge with the involvement of IT in the services that are provided by the organization and the same have been covered in the report with a brief description of each risk. Introduction Silver Chain Group is a not-for-profit organization that is based out of Australia. It provides community health services to people and has been serving them since over 110 years in Western part of Australia and for over 120 years in the Southern part of the continent. Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia are the locations where the services are expanded over (, 2016). There is a wide range of services that are provided to the organization which are categorized as Health care services, Everyday Wellness, Support for Family and Care, Palliative Care, Household Tasks, Continence Management and Advisory Service, Community Connections, Country Services, Personal Alarms and Assessment Services. Requirement of IT for Silver Chain Group Silver Chain Group is composed of over 3000 staff members, 400 volunteers and provides the community services to more than 87000 people on yearly basis. The records of the clients were paper based and located in their respective homes which made it difficult to access the same. Even if the staff members could make efforts to gather this data, then the storage and management of such huge data emerged as a serious concern for the organization. The productivity and time was also compromised while commuting to the clients home. It was also difficult for the nurses and the staff to communicate with the doctors for general guidance and advice. It was the need of the hour to incorporate IT in the business of the Silver Chain Group in order to increase the efficiency and productivity of the staff members and also to improve the customer experience as a whole (LeMay, 2014). Importance of IT for business survival The following factors define the importance of IT in the survival of business of the Silver Chain Group. Preparation Preparation phase helps in the collection of customer data from several data sources in order to have all the information handy and easily accessible by the clients. Planning Planning also becomes easier with the help of IT as it would enable the personnel to decide the time of visit on the basis of preference of the client, provide target service to the target client and many more. Practice Standardization of all the processes, timely checks of the services and the simplicity of installation are the features that come easy with the application of IT. Progress checks Manual processes are difficult to keep a track of all the activities and the progress made by the organization. The checks are easy to execute and track with the aid of IT in the system Phases involved in the application of IT in Silver Chain Group IT in Silver Chain Group was implemented with the help of an enterprise level health care solution along with a mobile application for the same. The devices that were chosen for the deployment of these devices were chosen to be Samsung Galaxy series as Samsung Galaxy S2, S3, S4, Note and Note II smartphones, and Samsung Galaxy Note 8, 10.1 and Tab 10.1 tablet devices to direct care staff and clients (delimiter, 2016). Planning This is the first phase which involves the decision on the strategy and also the objectives of the business. The success of the project is largely dependent upon the well created and researched project plan. Requirement Analysis This is the phase where all the requirements are gathered from all the viable data sources. The data sources for the Silver Chain Group are from the various stakeholders that are involved with the business. These requirements are then analyzed to decide on what all is to be included in the scope and what is to be left and considered as out of the scope. The requirements must be clear to all those involved in the project to make sure that the successful execution of the same is achieved. Design This is the next phase in the development cycle of the application. High level design diagrams are involved in this phase such as data flow diagrams, flow charts, and functional hierarchies to provide a blue print of the design. There is also a Design Specification Document (DSD) included in this phase which explains the design of the project in a clear and concise manner. It is this document which enables the project members to get a practical idea on what is to be done and how exactly it should be done. Implementation The implementation phase gathers its required information from the earlier three phases and the designs are practically implemented. There are a number of teams involved in this phase such as development team, interface team, network team, database team and many more. The efforts and results of all of these teams are integrated to bring out an implemented solution. The cycle is repeated again and again unless all the target requirements are met and fulfilled as per the specifications. Testing Testing is an activity that is defined as a process carried out to validate and verify the results as per the specifications with intent to find out the bug. Requirement and Planning Phase: This is the phase where the strategy around the testing process is decided with the decision on the test approach along with the scope, milestones, deliverables and many more. Analysis Phase: Requirements are gathered and analyzed in this phase with the assignment of the roles and responsibilities to the various team members. Design Phase: Test data is finalized in this phase along with the decision on the test conditions and environments. Implementation Phase: Test cases are designed in this phase and are categorized in the test scenarios. Execution phase: The test cases are executed in this phase and the defects are also reported, if found any. These defects are also logged in the defect logging software. Completion and closure: Test completion is decided on the basis of the exit criteria and the closure report is designed on the basis of the same. Change requests are also dealt in this phase (, 2016). Deployment and Maintenance: The final code is deployed for the end-users and the maintenance is also done for the issues that occur post-production (Ghahrai, 2015). Use of IT in Silver Chain Group Silver Chain Group is an organization that provides community health services to a huge number of people. IT would allow the direct care staff to spend more time with clients by in a more effective manner. It also makes the clients allow easy communication with the nurses and the staff. Virtual support and video conferencing is also made easy with the help of mobile solution and application which is based upon IT. Medical assistance is made easy as it is possible to send out a notification to the nurses when a device shows a reading which goes outside the acceptance range. Social benefits have also increased with the help of IT as the mobile application allows the aged care clients to connect easily with their distant families and children. It allows them to have easy connections and accessibility to them. Risks involved with IT The solution that has been implemented for Silver Chain Group is based on IT and involves many mobile devices as well. There is also a to and fro of information across the network between the client and the staff members. The information that is associated with the organization is classified as below: Sensitive: It is the information that is extremely critical to the organization and requires a very high degree of protection as well. The health care information associated with the client is very sensitive and cannot be hampered with. Confidential: This is the category of information that holds high importance for an organization and needs to be protected carefully. The information around the stakeholders and the partners involved in the company is confidential in nature. Private: It is the personal information that is associated with the company and includes the details of the employees such as demographic information. Public: The information that is okay to bring out to the public view and knowledge comes under this category. The risks that are involved with the same are as listed below: Virus It is a program or a set of instructions that is malicious in nature which means that it has been designed for providing damage or harm to the system. It gets introduced in the system through storage media or network. Spyware These are the programs that capture the activity of the user on the systems and can be used to provide a substantial amount of damage ( 2016) Trojan These are the malicious programs that do not have the characteristic to replicate themselves but have the potential to cause some serious damage once they get triggered. Man-in-the-middle It is an attack that takes place when an intruder or the attackers sits on the network and monitors all the activities that happen on the same. The same information is utilized to perform malicious actions. DoS A service is made unavailable for a certain amount of time as it is flooded with unnecessary traffic from malicious sources ( 2016). Spoofing Private or confidential information of a user is collected by impersonating as somebody else. The user is misled by the false identity with aim to gain this information ( 2016). Phishing A fake website or e-mail message is used to impersonate somebody elses identity in order to gain sensitive information ( 2016). Recommendations These risks can be easily dealt with the help of effective countermeasures such as: Access control to be set up at all the entry and exit points such as on the network, user accounts and many more. Encryption techniques for the mobile solution through the use of private and public keys, cryptography and anti-virus along with firewalls. Security of the mobile devices with the use of passwords and PINs. Conclusion Silver Chain Group is a non-profit organization that provides community health services to the people of Australia. The organization is made up of a vast network of employees, volunteers and clients. In order to overcome the drawbacks of difficulties in management of data and handling the clients is overcome with the help of introduction of IT in business. An enterprise solution along with the mobile application is implemented for easier assistance, virtual support, medical assistance and video conferencing with the nurses. A phased approach is also followed to implement the solution. There are also risks that emerge with this introduction that can be dealt with the help of access control, encryption, firewalls and anti-virus. References delimiter, (2016). LeMay, R. (2014). Android in the enterprise: Three Aussie examples from Samsung | Delimiter. [online] Delimiter. (2016). Silver Chain Group. Ghahrai, A. (2015). SDLC Phases - Software Development Life Cycle. NueMD. (2013). The importance of proper IT implementation in healthcare. (2016). What is spyware and adware?. (2016). Scams Spam, Phishing, Spoofing and Pharming | Be in Charge of Your Digital Life | CPI: Lubbock | TTU. (2016). Digital Attack Map.